Thu 12-September-2024

GMO: IOF is cramming 1.7 million civilians in one tenth of the area of the Gaza Strip

Wednesday 21-August-2024


The Government Media Office (GMO) in Gaza said, “the Israeli occupation army is deliberately strangling 1.7 million Palestinian civilians, cramming them into a narrow area that does not exceed one tenth of the total area of the Gaza Strip.”

The GMO confirmed in a statement on Wednesday that the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) continue to commit the most horrific crimes against civilians in the Gaza Strip, including the crime of forced displacement of more than 1,700,000 Palestinian civilians.

“The IOF pushed the displaced Gazans to forcibly move and leave their homes and residential areas under the threat of gunfire, bombing and internationally prohibited weapons, which is a crime against humanity,” the GMO stated.

“This confirms, beyond any doubt, that the Israeli occupation army is deliberately strangling the Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip in a very narrow area that does not exceed a tenth of the area of the Gaza Strip,” it added.

The Office reviewed the sequence of the criminal terrorist Israeli occupation army’s record of displacement plans that has been pursued since early November 2023 to strangle the Gaza Strip.

The IOF claimed that the southern region was a safe humanitarian zone with an area of 230 square kilometers, which was equivalent to 63% of the total area of the Gaza Strip, and included agricultural, service, commercial and economic lands, roads, and streets.

Since early November 2023, the IOF has been reducing the area of the safe humanitarian zone gradually over the past months to reach only 36 square kilometers, representing 9.5% of the total area of the Gaza Strip, including agricultural lands, cemeteries, services, commercial and economic lands, roads, and streets.

The GMO noted that the IOF considers Gaza and North Gaza governorates as not among the safe humanitarian zones, despite the presence of 700,000 Palestinian civilians in these two provinces.

It condemned in the strongest terms the Israeli crime of forced displacement and held Israel and the US administration fully responsible for the catastrophic and dangerous repercussions of this ongoing crime, which aims to strangle civilians in the Gaza Strip, as well as to confine them in unlivable areas due to the absence of all aspects of normal life.

The GMO also called on the international community, UN organizations, and all countries of the free world to pressure Israel and the US administration to stop the Israeli war of genocide and crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip.

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