Mon 28-October-2024

Hamas calls for intensifying efforts to prevent settlers from imposing new status quo in Al-Aqsa

Monday 28-October-2024


The member of Hamas Political Bureau and the head of the Jerusalem Affairs Office, Haroun Nasser Al-Din, stressed that the Israeli settlers’ practices aimed at imposing new status quo in Al-Aqsa Mosque necessitate exerting intensified efforts to support and protect it against daily raids and practicing of Talmudic rituals at its courtyards.

Nasser Al-Din stressed, in a press statement on Monday, that one of the most serious dangers facing Al-Aqsa at the present time is the Israeli settlers’ attempts to exploit the Arab and Islamic passivity and silence towards the threats and dangers facing the Al-Aqsa topped by Judaization plans and practices aimed to take complete control of it, and even of the entire Holy City.

He stressed the necessity of breaking the suspicious silence and intensifying all efforts at the official and popular levels in order to defend Al-Aqsa Mosque and protect it from the Israeli plans of the alleged Temple groups who are seriously seeking to demolish Al-Aqsa to build a Jewish synagogue in its place.

He explained that the settlers’ practices are not confined to the Jewish holiday season and religious occasions; rather, they proceed systematically with persistence in performing Talmudic and Torah rituals inside the courtyards of the Mosque, in attempts to make them a reality and a daily routine.

Nasser Al-Din emphasized the need for taking serious and effective action to support the Muslims’ first Qibla, and to continue to frequent the holy site from all Palestinian territories, especially the West Bank and 1948 Occupied Palestine, to intensify the Palestinian presence in the holy Islamic site.

Settlers and alleged temple groups continue to storm and violate the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque in daily raids and violations, which have escalated since the beginning of this month.

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