Fri 20-September-2024

13 Aqsa Mosque employees banished during current year

Monday 7-June-2021

Despite that fact that they have no jurisdiction over the Aqsa Mosque the Israeli occupation police have banished 13 Islamic Awqaf employees from the holy site since the beginning of the current year.

According to the Islamic Awqaf Administration eight of those employees still cannot enter the Aqsa Mosque because the banishment orders issued against them has yet to expire.

Following the recent events in Occupied Jerusalem and the Israeli aggression against Gaza the Israeli police escalated the banishment of Muslim worshipers and Awqaf employees from the Aqsa Mosque.

For long years the Israeli occupation authority and its police in Jerusalem have given themselves the right to issue Aqsa entry bans against Muslim worshipers and Awqaf employees and have taken upon themselves to decide who can and who cannot pray at the Mosque despite the fact that they have no legal authority over the Islamic holy site.

According to signed agreements Jordan is the custodian of the Islamic and Christian holy sites in Occupied Jerusalem.

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