Sun 15-September-2024

200 runners participate in March of Return marathon in Gaza

Sunday 25-March-2018

200 Palestinian runners took part in a marathon in Gaza City on Saturday in support of the major march of return which will be staged next Friday simultaneously with the Land Day occasion.

The race which was organized by the National Committee for the March Of Return and the Palestinian Athletics Federation started from Palestine Plaza and ended in al-Saraya Square in central Gaza City.

In a speech on behalf of the Palestinian factions senior Islamic Jihad official Ahmed al-Mudallal stated that the marathon was a start for the launch of the major march of return which would be a massage from the Palestinian people about their right to return to their lands they were expelled from.

“The Palestinian people can never rest nor can the occupation state see stability as long as we (the Palestinians) are living the pain of displacement” Mudallal said.

For his part coordinator of Hamas’s popular activities Ashraf Abu Zaid said the race was part of events to be organized ahead of the march of return slated for next Friday.

“The Palestinian people will send their message to the whole world that they are adherent to their national constants and the right of return to their homeland and that they would never cede an inch of their land” Abu Zaid added.

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