Fri 20-September-2024

27 corona deaths 2331 new cases in Palestine within 24 hours

Wednesday 10-March-2021

Mai Al-Kailah the Palestinian Minister of Health announced on Wednesday that 27 deaths and 2331 new cases of the coronavirus were recorded after conducting 9035 examinations during the past 24 hours.

Kailah confirmed in the daily epidemiological report of coronavirus that 21 deaths were recorded in the West Bank 4 in Jerusalem and 2 deaths in the Gaza Strip.

She said that 1828 new infections were reported in the West Bank while 335 new cases were recorded in Jerusalem and 168 in the Gaza Strip.

2273 new recoveries were recorded as follows: 584 in Jerusalem 1610 in the Wes Bank and 79 in the Gaza Strip according to the minister.

Kailah pointed out that there are 153 critically ill patients who have been admitted to intensive care units including 37 who have been placed on ventilators.

She noted that the recovery rate of coronavirus reached 89.1 percent while the rate of active infections reached 9.8 percent and the death rate was 1.1% of all infections.

Meanwhile the Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs Authority said that three new cases of the coronavirus were recorded among the Palestinian detainees held in Israeli detention centers.

The authority stated that among the infected prisoners is the minor Loay Zaghari 17 from the Duheisheh refugee camp in Bethlehem and he is in the Etzion detention center. The two other detainees are Aref Ali from Kafr Qaddum town and Baraa Kassab from Balata town. They are held in the Hawara detention center.

It added that the Israeli detention centers lack the minimum condition for human life especially the Hawara center which the occupation authorities are currently using as a quarantine for coronavirus infections before taking the detainees to other prisons.

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