Fri 25-October-2024

600 Palestinian sick prisoners face deliberate medical negligence

Friday 23-December-2022

Around 600 Palestinian prisoners are suffering several health problems in Israeli jails without receiving any medical care in an apparent decision to execute them.

Since 1967 233 Palestinian prisoners have died in apartheid Israel’s jails including 74 who died as a direct result of systematic Israeli medical negligence most recently was Nasser Abu Hamid.

Last Tuesday Palestinian cancer-stricken prisoner Nasser Abu Hamid died after years of deliberate medical negligence in Israeli jails.

Since August 2021 Abu Hamid’s health has been severely deteriorating. He was later diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in his lungs and his health condition was further exacerbated due to the Israeli policy of medical neglect.

49-year-old Nasser Abu Hamid from the Al-Amari camp refugee camp who has been detained since 2002 was serving seven life imprisonment sentences plus 50 years.

130 of the 600 sick prisoners suffer from serious diseases such as cancer heart and kidney failure diabetes and high blood pressure. Others suffer from serious mental illness in addition to a number of paralyzed or amputated prisoners.

The Israeli occupation authorities blatantly violate international norms and conventions related to protecting and providing care for Palestinian prisoners experiencing illness.

Human monsters

Speaking to the PIC reporter the ex-prisoner Rajai al-Karaki affirmed that the medical negligence is a systematic policy used by the Israeli prison authorities against Palestinian prisoners.

Israel is adopting the silent death policy against Palestinian prisoners he said.

They deliberately give the sick prisoner half of the treatment and leave him between life and death in order to reinforce his suffering behind bars the ex-prisoner continued.

On the other hand he described the sick prisoners transfers’ to medical centers via “Bosta” vehicle as a “brutal trip in hell”.

“Bosta” is a vehicle cell made out of metal with narrow double seats and disproportionate measurements forcing prisoners into an angled seating position for lack of appropriate space while handcuffed and blindfolded.

Israeli doctors and nurses are nothing but “human monsters” who hide in white clothes and implement the Israeli racist policies.

Flagrant violation of international law

For his part Hassan al-Sayyida a researcher at the Palestinian Association for Human Rights “Shahid” said the Israeli medical negligence policy constitutes a flagrant violation of the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions which requires that prisoners have the right to receive the adequate medical treatment.

The enjoyment of the attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being he said.

According to him “the right to health is a fundamental part of our human rights and of our understanding of a life in dignity.”

Article (3) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to life liberty and security of person he said.

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