Mon 16-September-2024

7-month-old Joan orphaned after Israeli settler killed her father

Sunday 14-April-2019

Joan the seven-month-old girl will no longer sit on her father’s lap play with him and enjoy his endless love and kisses.

An Israeli settler decided to put an end to the beautiful relationship between Mohammed Abdul-Fattah and his little daughter Joan and to fill a home that was once full of joy and love with sorrow and grief.

On Wednesday 3 April while Mohammed was heading to his work from Salfit to Nablus an armed Israeli settler shot him dead at point-blank range near Huwara checkpoint.

Mohammed got married a year and a half ago and his marriage was the biggest joy in the family’s home but when Joan came to this world she became the most beautiful gift in Mohammed’s life.

Mohammed’s grieving mother said with tears filling her eyes “Since Joan was born Mohammed spent most of his time at home. He was very attached to her.”

Hundreds of social media users shared pictures of martyr Mohammed Abdul-Fattah and his baby Joan and wrote comments expressing their pain and condemning the Israeli settlers’ repeated crimes against the Palestinians.

An Israeli settler’s hate-fueled bullets made little Joan experience loss and pain at a very early stage of her life. Seven months with her father were never enough. She will remember him through pictures only.

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