Fri 20-September-2024

Abbas appoints Dahlan general commander of PA security apparatuses

Saturday 6-January-2007

Gaza (PIC)- PA chief Mahmoud Abbas has appointed Fatah MP Mohammed Dahlan the former chief of the notorious preventive security apparatus as general commander of the PA security apparatuses at the request of the USA and Israel according to local media.

The media quoted a PA presidential source who refused to disclose his identity as saying that the decision was not written so as to evade the protests of the Hamas-led PA government and its interior minister Sa’eed Siyam.

He affirmed that the decision was implemented on the ground and that all commanders of security apparatuses were notified and were abiding by Dahlan’s orders despite reservations on the part of some of them.

The same source disclosed that Dahlan’s appointment came at the request of the USA and Israel which pledged to finance and to facilitate the PA security apparatuses’ needs in the event Dahlan was appointed in this post.

Meanwhile Hamas MP Mushir Al-Masri asked Abbas in his capacity as the PA chief and Fatah leader to bridle the unruly elements within his faction.

He questioned the ability of Abbas to rule a country if he could not restrain members of his own faction.

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