Mon 16-September-2024

Abu Atteen family steadfast in Walaja village despite home demolitions

Friday 3-September-2021

Demolition of homes and property is a systematic policy the Israeli occupation state has pursued against the Palestinians since it created its entity in Palestine with the help of the British colonial regime.

In the West Bank such policy has always been aimed at displacing the local residents devouring more Palestinian lands and expanding settlements for Jewish settlers.

One of the last demolition incidents took place on August 25 when Israeli bulldozers demolished a home in al-Walaja village in the west of Bethlehem displacing the Abu Atteen family who is originally from Jerusalem.

Umm Ra’ed Abu Atteen the homeowner said that the occupation army demolished her house with no prior notice and displaced 18 members of her family on that day.

She pointed out that the family moved from the Shuafat refugee camp in the northeast of Jerusalem to al-Walaja village in Bethlehem because of their failure to find a place to live in in the midst of the Israeli construction restrictions imposed on the Palestinians.

She also complained that the family incurred a financial loss of more than 150000 shekels after the Israeli occupation army prevented them from removing their furniture and belongings from the house and knocked it down unexpectedly.

Ra’ed Abu Atteen the homeowner’s son also said that he tried to convince the demolition crew that the measure they intended to carry out was illegal because there was no court order in this regard but the crew insisted on destroying the house and handed him a paper containing the demolition costs.

However Abu Atteen affirmed that such Israeli measure would only strengthen the family and make it more adherent to their land. “If they demolish we will build and expand no matter what it costs us.”

Local sources for their part reported that several citizens including members of the family suffered minor injuries as they were trying to fend off the demolition crew and Israeli forces after they stormed al-Juwaizah area of the village in large numbers to carry out the demolition and tried to assault Umm Ra’ed.

The entire al-Juwaizah area of the village is threatened with demolition due to its presence near a segregation wall separating the illegal settlement of Har Gilo. The Israeli army has already carried out demolitions in the area.

Al-Walaja village is facing a real disaster as the Israeli army has informed owners of 500 homes of its decision to demolish them and displace their families.

Recently the Israeli military authority resumed its demolition campaign in the area and notified four local residents from the family of Abu Atteen of its intent to demolish their homes and began a few days ago with the one belonging to Umm Ra’ed.

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