Fri 20-September-2024

Administrative detainees continue to boycott Israeli courts

Monday 9-May-2022

About 500 Palestinian administrative detainees continue their boycott of the Israeli occupation courts for the 129th consecutive day to demand an end to the administrative detention policy.

The boycott of the occupation courts creates confusion within the Israeli prisons’ administrations and contributes to informing the foreign delegations that visit those prisons every now and then of the issue of administrative detention thus highlighting it and conveying it to the world.

The Israeli occupation authorities usually take punitive measures against detainees who boycott their courts; such as deprivation of visitation and the renewal of administrative detention for them.

The administrative detainees had taken a collective stand at the beginning of this year represented in declaring a comprehensive and final boycott of all judicial procedures related to administrative detention (judicial review appeal supreme).

Administrative detention is detention without charge or trial and without allowing the detainee or his lawyer to inspect the evidence materials in clear violation of the provisions of international humanitarian law. Israel is the only government in the world that practices this policy.

The administrative detainee is often subjected to the renewal of the detention period more than once for three months six months or eight; sometimes it may reach a full year and in some cases it may reach seven years as in the case of the activist Ali al-Jammal.

In the same context the two detainees Khalil Awawda 40 and Raed Rayan 28 continue their open hunger strike for the 68th day and the 33rd day respectively refusing their administrative detention amid warnings of the deterioration of their health condition.

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Administrative detainees continue to boycott Israeli courts

Saturday 30-April-2022

500 Palestinian administrative detainees continued to boycott the Israeli courts for the 120th consecutive day Saturday in protest against the illegal administrative detention policy.

The Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails affirmed that the decision to boycott Israeli courts plays an important role in pressuring Israel to end its systematic use of arbitrary detention.

The boycott step exposes the Israeli courts’ cruel treatment of Palestinian administrative detainees and draws the attention of international delegations that visit the Israeli prisons every now and then to that issue.

Administrative detention which is a violation of international law is incarceration without trial or charge and is widely used by Israel against the Palestinians solely at the pretext that a person plans to commit a future offense.

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Administrative detainees continue to boycott Israeli courts

Friday 29-April-2022

500 Palestinian administrative detainees continued to boycott the Israeli courts for the 119th consecutive day Friday in protest against the illegal administrative detention policy.

Since the start of the year Palestinian prisoners held without trial or charge have launched a boycott of Israel’s military courts in the occupied West Bank.

The boycott includes the initial hearings to uphold the administrative detention order as well as appeal hearings and later sessions at the Supreme Court.

Under the banner “Our decision is freedom … no to administrative detention” administrative detainees said in a statement their move comes as a continuation of longstanding Palestinian efforts “to put an end to the unjust administrative detention practiced against our people by the occupation authorities”.

They also noted that Israel’s use of the policy has expanded in recent years to include women children and elderly people.

“Israeli military courts are an important aspect for the occupation in its system of oppression” the detainees said describing the courts as a “barbaric racist tool that has consumed hundreds of years from the lives of our people under the banner of administrative detention through nominal and fictitious courts – the results of which are predetermined by the military commander of the region”.

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Administrative detainees continue to boycott Israeli courts

Sunday 10-April-2022

About 500 Palestinian prisoners held without trial or charge in Israeli jails have been staging a boycott of Israeli courts for the 100th consecutive day to demand an end to the policy of administrative detention.

In early January the administrative detainees announced a complete boycott of all judicial procedures related to their administrative detention.

The administrative detainees are being held in different Israeli prisons mostly in Negev and Ofer jails.

The Israeli occupation authority continues to issue more administrative detention orders against new detainees or extend previous orders.

In the past two months 203 administrative detention orders had been issued against Palestinian detainees according to the Palestinian Prisoner Society.

Administrative detention is incarceration without trial or charge and is widely used by Israel against the Palestinians solely at the pretext that a person plans to commit a future offense. It has no time limit and is based on alleged secret files.

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Administrative detainees continue to boycott Israeli courts

Monday 28-March-2022

The Palestinian prisoners held administratively in Israeli jails have entered day 87 of their boycott of Israeli courts on Monday to demand an end to the policy of administrative detention.

In early January the administrative detainees announced a complete boycott of all judicial procedures related to their administrative detention.

The administrative detainees are being held in different Israeli prisons mostly in Negev and Ofer jails.

The Israeli occupation authority continues to issue more administrative detention orders against new detainees or extend previous orders.

In the past two months 203 administrative detention orders had been issued against Palestinian detainees according to the Palestinian Prisoner Society.

Administrative detention is incarceration without trial or charge and is widely used by Israel against the Palestinians solely at the pretext that a person plans to commit a future offense. It has no time limit and is based on alleged secret files.

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Administrative detainees continue to boycott Israeli courts

Saturday 26-March-2022

The Palestinian prisoners held administratively in Israeli jails have been staging a boycott of Israeli courts for the 85th consecutive day to demand an end to the policy of administrative detention.

In early January the administrative detainees announced a complete boycott of all judicial procedures related to their administrative detention.

The administrative detainees are being held in different Israeli prisons mostly in Negev and Ofer jails.

The Israeli occupation authority continues to issue more administrative detention orders against new detainees or extend previous orders.

In the last two months 203 administrative detention orders had been issued against Palestinian detainees according to the Palestinian Prisoner Society.

Administrative detention is incarceration without trial or charge and is widely used by Israel against the Palestinians solely at the pretext that a person plans to commit a future offense. It has no time limit and is based on alleged secret files.

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Administrative detainees continue to boycott Israeli courts

Sunday 20-March-2022

The Palestinian prisoners held administratively in Israeli jails have been staging a boycott of Israeli courts for the 79th consecutive day to demand an end to the policy of administrative detention.

In early January the administrative detainees announced a complete boycott of all judicial procedures related to their administrative detention.

The administrative detainees are being held in different Israeli prisons mostly in Negev and Ofer jails.

The Israeli occupation authority continues to issue more administrative detention orders against new detainees or extend previous orders.

In the last two months 203 administrative detention orders had been issued against Palestinian detainees according to the Palestinian Prisoner Society.

Administrative detention is incarceration without trial or charge and is widely used by Israel against the Palestinians solely at the pretext that a person plans to commit a future offense. It has no time limit and is based on alleged secret files.

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Administrative detainees continue to boycott Israeli courts

Sunday 6-March-2022

The Palestinian prisoners held administratively in Israeli jails have been staging a boycott of Israeli courts for the 65th consecutive day to demand an end to the policy of administrative detention.

According to Asra Media Office the administrative detainees also refuse to meet with Shin Bet interrogators as a second step to protest their detention.

In early January the administrative detainees announced a complete boycott of all judicial procedures related to their administrative detention.

For their part the administrative detainees with health problems in Ofer jail announced a few days ago their boycott of the prison infirmary and their refusal to undergo medical tests and take medications to pressure Israeli jailers to release them.

Administrative detention is incarceration without trial or charge and is widely used by Israel against the Palestinians solely at the pretext that a person plans to commit a future offense. It has no time limit and is based on alleged secret files.

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Administrative detainees continue to boycott Israeli courts

Thursday 24-February-2022

Hundreds of Palestinian administrative detainees continued to boycott Israeli military courts for the 55th day Thursday.

Since the start of the year the administrative detainees have launched their protest step under the slogan “Our decision is freedom.”

The administrative detainees also refuse to meet with Shin Bet interrogators as a second step in protest at their detention.

Under the banner “Our decision is freedom” the administrative detainees said in a statement their move comes as a continuation of longstanding Palestinian efforts “to put an end to the unjust administrative detention practiced against our people by the occupation authorities”.

“Israeli military courts are an important aspect for the occupation in its system of oppression” the detainees said describing the courts as a “barbaric racist tool that has consumed hundreds of years from the lives of our people under the banner of administrative detention through nominal and fictitious courts – the results of which are predetermined by the military commander of the region”.

They also noted that Israel’s use of the policy has expanded in recent years to include women children and elderly people.

Meanwhile 900 prisoners in Ofer prison decided to declare a set of protest steps in rejection of the sanctions imposed against them.

The protest steps include the dissolution of the detainees’ representational system – where prisoners from different political parties are elected to represent the demands of other inmates in negotiations with Israeli prison authorities.

However the prison administration threatened to impose further punitive measures including heavy fines.

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Administrative detainees continue to boycott Israeli courts

Sunday 20-February-2022

About 500 Palestinian prisoners held without trial or charge in Israeli jails have been staging a boycott of Israeli courts for the 51st consecutive day to demand an end to the policy of administrative detention.

According to Asra Media office the administrative detainees have launched this protest step under the slogan “Our decision is freedom.”

The administrative detainees also refuse to meet with Shin Bet interrogators as a second step in protest at their detention.

In another context the Palestinian Prisoner Society said that Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails intend to rally in prison yards and refuse to return to their cells in protest at the punitive measures taken against them recently by the prison service.

Since the Gilboa jailbreak in September 2021 the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails have been suffering from restrictions imposed on them every once in a while prompting the Palestinian Captive Movement to respond with protest steps.

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Administrative detainees continue to boycott Israeli courts

Saturday 19-February-2022

About 500 Palestinian prisoners held without trial or charge in Israeli jails have been staging a boycott of Israeli courts for the 50th consecutive day to demand an end to the policy of administrative detention.

According to Asra Media office the administrative detainees have launched this protest step under the slogan “Our decision is freedom.”

The administrative detainees also refuse to meet with Shin Bet interrogators as a second step in protest at their detention.

Administrative detention is incarceration without trial or charge and is widely used by Israel against the Palestinians solely at the pretext that a person plans to commit a future offense. It has no time limit and it is based on alleged secret files.

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Administrative detainees continue to boycott Israeli courts

Monday 7-February-2022

The Palestinian prisoners held without trial or charge in Israeli jails have been staging a boycott of Israeli courts for the 38th consecutive day to demand an end to the policy of administrative detention.

According to Asra Media office the administrative detainees in Megiddo jail launched this protest step under the slogan “Our decision is freedom.”

They also decided recently to refuse to meet with Shin Bet interrogators as a second step to protest their detention.

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