Wed 3-July-2024

Aruri: Three courses of action to confront deal of the century

Sunday 23-February-2020

Deputy head of Hamas’s political bureau Saleh al-Aruri has outlined three courses of action adopted by his Movement to confront the US deal of the century including “the actions on the ground” and “the national consensus.”

In an interview conducted with him by al-Aqsa satellite channel on Saturday Aruri described the contents of the US deal as “political impieties that cannot be accepted by the Palestinians.”

He expressed his belief that “the US deal is not confined to Palestine but rather it is an American vision for the entire region with its core part in Palestine and aims to liquidate the Palestinian cause first before dealing with other issues.”

“Our position which has been stated by head of the Movement Ismail Haneyya is clear and consists of three courses of action. The first is the actions taken on the ground. We have called for and are working on confronting the deal with all means directly on the ground through all forms of popular military and paramilitary resistance” the Hamas official said.

“We are counting on a grassroots movement that confronts all dimensions of the deal — settlements normalization the military occupation and plans of expropriation Judaization and uprooting” he added.

“Our people are doing their part to the fullest but they need leadership” he underlined.

The second course of action Aruri said is the national consensus affirming that “the best stages of confrontation with the occupation were when there was a national consensus.”

The third course of action according to him “deals with the political side that includes the agreement on a national vision at a minimum by all Palestinian parties and then working on mobilizing the Arab Islamic and international political system to reject the deal.”

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