Mon 16-September-2024

Detainee held in isolated cell for 2nd week for burning Israeli flag

Tuesday 21-February-2017

The Israeli prison service (IPS) has kept the Palestinian prisoner Ayman al-Sharbati in an isolated cell for the second week running in Gilboa lock-up.

Head of the family of Jerusalemite prisoners’ committee Amjad Abu Assab said prisoner al-Sharbati aged 48 has been held in solitary confinement for the second consecutive week for burning the Israeli flag in Gilboa jail in protest at the mistreatment perpetrated by IPS against the Palestinian prisoners over recent weeks.

Prisoner Sharbati had been subjected to exhaustive questioning for burning the Israeli flag. The IPS further slapped a two-month visit-ban against the detainee and ruled for his isolation for 21 days.

Over the past couple of years al-Sharbati burned the Israeli flag three times to protest mistreatment in Israeli prisons.

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