Sat 5-October-2024

Dozens of Jewish settlers break into Aqsa Mosque

Tuesday 5-October-2021

Dozens of Jewish settlers forced their way into the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem on Tuesday.

Eyewitnesses confirmed that a group of settlers broke into the holy Islamic site through its Al-Magharba Gate southwest of the Mosque guarded by Israeli police.

Jewish settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque every day in the morning and afternoon except on Fridays and Saturdays and embark on provocative acts in defiance of Muslim worshipers. Al-Aqsa Mosque is the world’s third-holiest site for Muslims.

Israel occupied East Jerusalem where Al-Aqsa Mosque is located during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. It annexed the entire city in 1980 a move never recognized by the international community.

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Dozens of Jewish settlers break into Aqsa Mosque

Monday 20-September-2021

Dozens of Jewish settlers defiled the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem under the protection of Israeli police on Monday morning.

According to al-Quds International Institution 48 settlers entered the holy Islamic site through al-Maghariba gate and provocatively toured its courtyards.

The Jewish settlers have intensified their desecration of the holy Islamic site recently while the Israeli occupation authorities restricted movement of Palestinians in the holy city and closed a number of roads at the pretext of the Jewish holidays.

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Dozens of Jewish settlers break into Aqsa Mosque

Thursday 16-September-2021

Dozens of Jewish settlers defiled the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem under the protection of Israeli police on Thursday morning.

According to local sources the settlers entered the holy Islamic site through al-Maghariba gate provocatively toured its courtyards and performed Talmudic rituals in its eastern area.

Muhammed Hussein the Mufti of al-Quds and Palestine warned of the recent calls by fanatic Jewish temple groups against the Islamic holy sites especially Aqsa and Ibrahimi Mosques.

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Dozens of Jewish settlers break into Aqsa Mosque

Thursday 9-September-2021

Dozens of Jewish settlers broke into the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem on Thursday morning under tight protection of Israeli police.

According to local sources the settlers entered the holy Islamic site through Maghariba gate and embarked on a provocative tour in the Aqsa compound.

The Israeli police imposed tight restrictions on the Muslim worshipers.

The Jewish Temple groups have called for massive break-ins into the holy Islamic site as part of the Israeli occupation authority’s rabid campaign to Judaize Occupied Jerusalem.

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Dozens of Jewish settlers break into Aqsa Mosque

Wednesday 8-September-2021

Dozens of Jewish settlers broke into the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem on Wednesday morning under the protection of Israeli police.

According to local sources the settlers entered the holy Islamic site through Maghariba gate embarked on a provocative tour in the Aqsa compound before leaving through al-Silsila gate.

The settlers listened to lectures on the alleged Temple and performed Talmudic rituals inside the holy Islamic site.

The Jewish Temple groups have urged the Jewish settlers to break into the Aqsa Mosque en masse as part of celebrating the new Hebrew Year.

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Dozens of Jewish settlers break into Aqsa Mosque

Tuesday 7-September-2021

Dozens of Jewish settlers defiled the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem on Tuesday morning led by Yehudah Glick the fanatic rabbi.

Local eyewitnesses said that the settlers entered the holy Islamic site through Maghariba gate in groups and embarked on provocative tours in the Aqsa compound.

The Jewish Temple Groups have recently called on the Jewish settlers to participate in these provocative tours en masse as part of celebrations of the new Hebrew Year.

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Dozens of Jewish settlers break into Aqsa Mosque

Monday 6-September-2021

Dozens of Jewish settlers brokeinto the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem on Monday morning under theprotection of Israeli police.

According to local sources thesettlers entered the holy Islamic site through Maghariba gate embarked on aprovocative tour in the Aqsa compound before leaving through al-Silsilagate.

According to the Awkaf andreligious affairs Ministry Jewish settlers broke into Aqsa Mosque 23 timesin August.

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Dozens of Jewish settlers break into Aqsa Mosque

Wednesday 1-September-2021

81 Jewish settlers defiled the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem on Wednesday Morning under Israeli police protection according to Al-Quds International Institution.

The institution said on its Facebook page that the settlers entered the holy Islamic site through Maghariba gate and left through al-Silsila gate.

Israeli police allow Jewish settlers to break into Aqsa Mosque in two periods daily morning and afternoon except on Fridays and Saturdays while imposing restrictions on Muslim worshipers wishing to enter the Mosque.

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Dozens of Jewish settlers break into Aqsa Mosque

Sunday 22-March-2020

Scores of extremist settlers on Sunday morning forced their way into al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem under tight police guard.

Local sources said that dozens of Jewish settlers stormed al-Aqsa Mosque through al-Maghareba Gate roamed the site and performed Talmudic rituals.

The Israeli police a few days ago decided to close most of al-Aqsa Mosque’s doors and put more restrictions on the Palestinian worshipers visiting the site for prayers claiming it was a protective measure against coronavirus.

Meanwhile Israeli settlers have not stopped their daily raids into the holy site.

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Dozens of Jewish settlers break into Aqsa Mosque

Tuesday 25-February-2020

Hordes of extremist settlers led by rabbi Yehudah Glick on Tuesday morning stormed al-Aqsa Mosque compound under tight police guard.

Jerusalem’s Islamic Awqaf Council said that about 50 Israeli settlers forced their way into al-Aqsa Mosque through al-Maghareba Gate and carried out provocative tours inside the site.

It pointed out that far-right rabbi Yehudah Glick led the settler break-in despite having received an Israeli police order banning him from approaching al-Aqsa Mosque for six months.

As the settlers were touring the mosque Israeli police forces imposed tight restrictions on the Palestinian worshipers entering the site and many of them were ordered to stay outside.

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Dozens of Jewish settlers break into Aqsa Mosque

Wednesday 17-December-2014

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (PIC)– Dozens of Jewish settlers broke into the holy Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem on Wednesday morning under heavy police protection.

SAFA news agency quoted Firas al-Dibbis the spokesman for the Islamic Awkaf in Jerusalem as saying that more than 30 Jewish settlers entered the holy compound in groups and toured its courtyards amidst tight police escort.

He added that hundreds of worshipers and vigilantes from Jerusalem and 1948 occupied Palestine were present inside the Mosque and confronted the settlers with Takbeer and protest slogans.

Dibbis said that Israeli policemen at the outside gates of the Mosque detained ID cards of all women and young men wishing to enter the holy site and provocatively searched their handbags.

He underlined that all throughout the settlers’ tour the Israeli policemen were intensively deployed outside and inside the holy site.

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