Fri 20-September-2024

Father Manuel Muslim: We will die in defense of Al-Aqsa

Thursday 14-April-2022

Member of the Palestinian Committee for the Defense of Islamic and Christian Sanctifies Father Manuel Muslim stressed that the Palestinian people will not allow the desecration of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Father Manuel Muslim’s statements came as Jewish settlers were preparing for a massive storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque in the middle of Ramadan and are planning to slaughter the alleged sacrifices inside it on Jewish Passover amid widespread warnings of the scheme.

Settler groups announced a simulation of the “Easter sacrifice” in the Umayyad palaces directly adjacent to the southern wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque in total provocation to Palestinian worshipers.

Father Muslim stressed that the Palestinian people will die with dignity in defense of al-Aqsa and Jerusalem.

He also pointed out that Jewish settlers’ “animals sacrifice” scheme at Al-Aqsa mainly aims to control the holy site and to build the alleged temple on its ruins.

He further vowed to protect al-Aqsa Mosque by all possible means from the Jewish settlers’ threats.

Earlier Wednesday Hamas Movement warned that “the Israeli occupation’s permission to the Zionist extremist groups to ‘slaughter animals’ at Al-Aqsa compound will have grave and unexpected repercussions.”

During an interview on Al-Jazeera Mubasher Channel member of Hamas political bureau Husam Badran said that “any attack on our holy sanctities is akin to playing with fire” noting that the occupation’s behavior will determine the resistance’s reaction.

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