Fri 20-September-2024

Fayyad’s government dissolves 103 charities in WB and Gaza

Tuesday 28-August-2007

GAZA (PIC)–The unconstitutional government of Salam Fayyad announced that it has decided to dissolve 103 institutions and charities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip which provide essential aid for tens of thousands of needy families.

Fayyad’s government accused these charities most of them are affiliated with Hamas of committing administrative and financial irregularities alleging that this measure comes within the framework of reform transparency and the rule of law which the citizens were promised by the government.

In an attempt to take the role of Hamas’s charities in providing aid to citizens in the West Bank Fayyad said addressing the beneficiaries of these institutions and charities affected by the unjust decision: “You should go to the ministry of social affairs and we will deal with your needs our responsibility as an authority to look after the segments of the community especially the vulnerable ones that need assistance and the PA is committed to provide these needs.”

Fayyad also threatened in a press release that if Hamas’s institutions did not respond to the resolution the government would freeze their bank accounts.

Fayyad’s resolution comes as an implementation of an Israeli scheme involving a group of recommendations given by the IOA to the PA in order to triumph over Hamas in the coming elections where the Israeli scheme included an a recommendation urging the PA to win the popular sympathy by following the same methods of Hamas.

According to the Israeli scheme which was suggested at a conference held at the Washington Institute for Middle East Studies with the attendance of representatives from the PA IOA Egypt Jordan and USA Fayyad’s government should develop an alternative social safety net for the Palestinians in the West Bank with the aim of terminating the social work of Hamas.

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