Fri 20-September-2024

Four citizens kidnapped journalist summonsed by PA security

Friday 30-December-2016

The Palestinian Authority (PA) security apparatuses persisted in their politically motivated arrests kidnapping during the last two days four citizens including university students and summoning a journalist for interrogation.

According to Omamah news website soldiers from the PA preventive security apparatus kidnapped a young man called Baker Mansour from his workplace in Nablus.

In Qalqilya the same security agency jailed on Wednesday Arbakan Tabsiya a student at Kadoorie University immediately after he was summoned for questioning.

In al-Khalil another university student called Mansour Sabarneh a resident of Beit Ummar town was taken prisoner after he responded to a summons issued by the PA intelligence service in the city.

Intelligence elements also kidnapped student Awni al-Khadour after storming and ransacking his home in Bani Naim town east of al-Khalil. They also confiscated his personal computer.

Khadour had been detained by PA security forces several times before because of his involvement in political activities.

The same PA intelligence service failed to kidnap Jihad Abaryoush a student studying at al-Khalil University after not finding him at home during a recent raid.

In a related context the PA preventive security extended the detention of Kamel Abu Zant an ex-detainee in Israeli jails for another 15 days without indictment. He was arrested about 10 days ago.

Meanwhile the preventive security summoned journalist Musaab Sa’ied for interrogation at its headquarters in Ramallah next Saturday.

There are already many political detainees in PA jails in the West Bank including Salim Hamdan an ex-detainee in Israeli jails from Dura al-Qarie town who has been held by the PA intelligence for over five months with no guilt.

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