Sun 15-September-2024

Friday prayer held on lands threatened with confiscation

Saturday 31-July-2021

Dozens of Palestinian citizens performed Friday prayer on their lands which are threatened to be seized in Masafer Yatta area south of al-Khalil.

Ratib al-Jabour the coordinator of the Popular and National Committees to Resist the Wall and Settlements said that many townspeople and landowners performed Friday prayer on their lands threatened with seizure by the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) in the area between Litwana and Shaab al-Butm east of Yatta near Abigail settlement outpost.

This is part of weekly activities organized by the Committee to Resist the Wall and Settlement in cooperation with the Fatah movement office in Beita and the Protection and Resilience Committees.

Jabour added that this event came in response to Jewish settlers’ act of erecting tents on the lands of the Jabarin family in that area in preparation for seizing them to expand the nearby settlements.

The participants stressed that they would never forsake their land and would not allow the IOA to implement its settlement plans and steal their lands.

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Friday prayer held on lands threatened with confiscation

Friday 9-April-2021

Dozens of Palestinian citizens in Masafer Yatta south of al-Khalil performed Friday prayer on lands threatened with confiscation in the Ein al-Bayda area.

Palestinian activists called on the people to pray in their lands to confront the Israeli occupation’s settlement policy and to prevent its seizure in favor of settlement expansion.

Fuad Al-Amour the coordinator of the Protection and Steadfastness Committee said that dozens of residents performed Friday prayer in Ein al-Bayda amid the intensified presence of the Israeli occupation soldiers.

After performing the prayer citizens and several foreign solidarity activists organized a march rejecting the occupation’s policy of ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians and the settlers’ bulldozing works in the area.

The participants planted olive trees in the lands threatened with seizure stressing that they will continue to confront the occupation policy and its continuous attacks on citizens’ lands and property.

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Friday prayer held on lands threatened with confiscation

Friday 12-March-2021

Residents in Ein al-Bayda southeast of Yatta in al-Khalil performed Friday prayer on lands threatened with confiscation by the Israeli occupation authorities (IOA).

After performing the prayer citizens organized a march during which they raised the Palestinian flag and chanted slogans calling for an end to the occupation and to the Israeli settlements.

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) raided the area and assaulted the participants who included a number of foreign solidarity activists.

Ratib al-Jabour the coordinator of the Popular and National Committees to Resist the Wall and Settlements called on the international community and human rights organizations to immediately intervene to stop the policy of ethnic cleansing pursued by the IOA against the Palestinians in Masafer Yatta in favor of constructing settlements.

Last week settlers’ bulldozers leveled agricultural lands in the Ein al-Bayda area under the IOF protection in preparation for expanding their nearby settlements

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