Fri 25-October-2024

From the return camp to the golden cage

Friday 4-May-2018

From a medical tent that brought them together as part of a voluntary work at the return camp east of Khan Younis in southern Gaza Strip where they took part in rescuing injured Palestinians following the Israeli occupation forces’ crimes against the peaceful demonstrators who took part in the Great March of Return ululations started coming out of the tent announcing the engagement of paramedics Ezz Al-Riqib and Hadeel Al-Najjar.

They first met at demonstrations amid the firing of live bullets and tear gas canisters. The two youths Ezz and Hadeel are volunteers at the Tawba Charitable Society to save the lives of the injured near the border.

According to Ezz Hadeel has a strong personality and will in the field which drew him to her eventually winning his heart.

Future bride
On one occasion Ezz asked Hadeel to accompany him in one of the missions to save one of the injured. She joined him with full of courage and determination without knowing that she joined a person who chose her as his future bride.

As soon as the mission was over Ezz asked her hand in marriage according to the teachings of Islam and she agreed. They started preparing for the engagement ceremony which took place where they first met at the medical tent at the return camp.

On Wednesday an engagement ceremony was held to mark the beginning of their family life on the eastern border of the southern Gaza Strip which was a witness to their dedication and sacrifice for their people as well as the start of their family life.

“I met Hadeel on the first Friday of Great March of Return” Ezz told the PIC. “I was impressed by her courage while saving the wounded.”

“After she impressed me I told my family who went to her house in Khuza’a town to officially ask for her hand in marriage.”

A leading figure in the field
He explained that Hadeel is a leading figure in the field pointing out that she took steps ahead of the rest of the youth and the team in providing help to the injured encouraged her team to go further near the confrontation points.

He pointed out that there will be no change in their work after marriage where he will continue to work with his partner and will not leave the field under any circumstances.

Ezz insisted that both he and his bride would wear the white coat to demonstrate their supreme humanitarian message: saving the wounded.

With a shy smile on her face Hadeel expressed her happiness at marrying Ezz stressing that she was proud of her decision to be engaged to him because she saw in him the right person who has the qualities that many girls would like to see in a man.

Hadeel did not hide her love for Ezz and insisted on declaring their engagement inside the tents of return to be a witness to their love.

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