Sun 6-October-2024

Hamas: Abbas’s backbiting against Zahhar sign of ad hominem campaign

Monday 15-January-2018

The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas condemned on Sunday Mahmoud Abbas’s “unfair criticism” against leader Mahmoud al-Zahhar dubbing it an act of “provocative defamation.”

“Taking into serious consideration the current critical phase the Palestinian cause is going through and for the sake of our national unity we will not respond to such offenses. Our most and foremost concern is to confront the Israeli agendas” said Hamas.

Hamas acclaimed the self-abnegation and sacrifices made by al-Zahhar the father of two martyrs. “His reputation is far greater than to be harmed by such belittling offenses.”

During the opening address at the Palestinian National Council sessions Abbas leveled heavy criticism at Mahmoud al-Zahhar in a move believed to be harmful to the national reconciliation process.

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