Fri 5-July-2024

Hamas: Jerusalem is the core of Palestinian struggle with Israel

Sunday 21-August-2022

The Hamas Movement on Sunday said that the occupied city of Jerusalem including the Al-Aqsa Mosque is the core of the Palestinian struggle against the “Zionist enemy”.

“Despite the Israeli occupation’s escalating crimes against the Al-Aqsa Mosque and its Palestinian defenders Palestinians have always been steadfast and vigilant against the Israeli occupation’s anticipated attacks” the Movement affirmed in a press statement on the 53rd anniversary of the Al-Aqsa arson attack.

The Movement said that the heinous crime of burning Al-Aqsa will be a testament to the “Zionist extremist groups’ terrorism and never-ending attacks against the holy site” including the desperate attempts to divide it spatially and temporally.

“Al-Aqsa will always be a place of worship for Muslims only despite the Israeli attempts to change its Arab and Islamic identity” the Movement underlined.

Hamas reiterated that it will keep defending Al-Aqsa with all means possible including comprehensive resistance until full liberation and return calling for rejecting the Israeli occupation of Palestine and its accelerating offensives against Palestinians in addition to supporting the Palestinian residents of Jerusalem and reinforcing their steadfastness.

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Hamas: Jerusalem is the core of Palestinian struggle with Israel

Friday 29-April-2022

The Hamas Movement said that Jerusalem is the core of the Palestinian struggle with the Israeli occupation and Palestinians will continue defending it against Israeli desecration at all costs.

“Israel’s brutal crimes aiming at the Judaization of Jerusalem will go in vain” the Movement affirmed in a press statement on Friday promising that Hamas will continue resisting until the liberation of Jerusalem and all the Palestinian holy sites.

The Movement underlined that the International Quds Day marks an important event that unites the Arab and Muslim Ummah and supports the Palestinian worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Hamas hailed the positions of the Iranian state and its considerable support for the Palestinians on the International Quds Day calling for more support from the Arab and Islamic world.

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