Wed 3-July-2024

Hamas: Settlement expansion is a systematic Israeli policy

Thursday 28-October-2021

The Hamas Movement has said that the Israeli approval of a plan to build over 3000 housing units for Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank confirms that settlement expansion is a systematic policy pursued by all successive Israeli governments describing the plan as “a real war crime.”

In press remarks on Wednesday Hamas spokesman Hazem Qasem said that the new Israeli plan reflects persistence in waging open-ended war on the Palestinian people’s presence on their land through displacing them and seizing their areas.

“The Zionist decision to increase settlement construction in the West Bank has exposed anew the occupation’s disregard for our people’s right to their land … and for all international calls demanding it to halt its settlement war” spokesman Qasem said.

He stressed the need to escalate all forms of resistance against the occupation state to confront its settlement expansion crimes in the West Bank.

He called on the Palestinian Authority leadership to end its security cooperation with the occupation state and stop wagering on the “miserable” peace process and the international community’s ability to pressure for Israeli recognition of the Palestinian rights.

The spokesman stressed that an ongoing all-out confrontation with the occupation state and its settlers is the only means to curb their settlement activities and expel them from the Palestinian land.

An Israeli governmental body on Wednesday approved more than 3000 housing units for Jewish settlers across the occupied West Bank

According to the approved plan the new settler homes would be built in a number of illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories including in settlements located deep in the West Bank and those near east Jerusalem.

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