Fri 20-September-2024

Hamas accepts invitation to Cairo to discuss issues of mutual interest

Wednesday 11-July-2018

The political bureau of Hamas on Tuesday announced its decision to accept Egypt’s invitation to visit Cairo and discuss with its officials the bilateral relations and the current developments in the Palestinian and regional arenas.

This came in a statement released yesterday following a meeting held by the political bureau of Hamas in the presence of Ismail Haneyya and other top officials of the Movement.

The political bureau of Hamas reiterated the Movement’s firm position which categorically rejects the US-backed deal of the century (the ultimate deal) accusing the Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership of playing a role in implementing this deal.

It warned that the deal of the century would detract from the Palestinian people’s inalienable national rights especially their right to liberate their land establish their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital and return to their towns and villages they were expelled from in 1948.

The statement also highlighted the Palestinian people’s right to continue their legitimate struggle against the Israeli occupation until they liberate their land and achieve their national goals.

In this context the political bureau also reiterated its rejection of the recent US decisions on Occupied Jerusalem including the relocation of its embassy to the holy city.

It applauded the popular uprising that broke out on May 14 2018 to condemn the US embassy relocation saying the uprising reflected the Palestinian people’s readiness to sacrifice themselves to protect Jerusalem and defend its Arab and Islamic identity.

The political bureau urged the Palestinian factions to close ranks against the conspiracy being hatched against their national cause and called on the PA leadership to lift its sanctions on the Gaza Strip to strengthen the steadfastness of its people.

The bureau also urged the Arab League and all Arab parties to support the Palestinian people in their struggle against this suspicious US deal which it said does not only target the Palestinians but also the entire Arab and Muslim nations warning that the stability and security of the region and the world are also threatened by this deal.

As for the blockade on Gaza the bureau welcomed and valued all the efforts being made by some parties to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinians in the besieged enclave affirming that Hamas would continue to deal with all serious initiatives in this regard.

The bureau however deplored the PA leadership’s attempt to disrupt these efforts on allegations that the moves to improve the situation in Gaza is part of the deal of the century.

It accused the PA leadership of contributing to the plan to separate Gaza from the West Bank as a prelude to implementing the deal of the century through imposing sanctions on the population and obstructing any international and regional moves to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

Hamas also strongly denounced any official or unofficial attempts by some Arab parties to normalize relations with the Israeli occupation state and saluted what it called “the honorable Arab Islamic and international models that boycott the occupation and refuse to normalize with it.”

With regard to the inter-Palestinian reconciliation the Movement renewed its willingness to achieve the national unity on the basis of partnership in resisting the occupation and making political decisions.

It confirmed that the optimal steps to achieve the national unity are through lifting the unjust sanctions on Gaza immediately rebuilding the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as agreed upon in Beirut in 2017 and honoring the 2011 Cairo agreement as a single package and with no changes.

In a separate context the political bureau of Hamas paid tribute to the Palestinian people in the occupied territories especially those in Khan al-Ahmar hamlet in Jerusalem for their steadfastness against Israel’s settlement and Judaization activities.

It also condemned the recent desecration of the Aqsa Mosque by the Israeli minister of agriculture as “part of Israel’s frenzied violations against the holy site.”

The political bureau appealed to the Arab and Muslim nations to necessarily provide every support for the Palestinians in Jerusalem to strengthen their steadfastness in the face of the “Zionist policies”

The political bureau’s statement also highlighted UNRWA’s financial crisis and stressed the importance of helping it fulfill its role in providing relief services for the Palestinian refugees who had been displaced from their homes in 1948.

The bureau expressed the Movement’s rejection of any decisions undermining the financial position of the UNRWA holding Israel and the US fully responsible for any consequences resulting from the current crisis that has afflicted the agency.

It also held the international community and UNRWA itself responsible for their failure to make any serious efforts to solve this financial crisis.

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