Mon 16-September-2024

Hamas explains reasons for not participating in PNC meeting

Saturday 13-January-2018

Hamas movement on Saturday revealed why it refused to participate in the Palestinian National Council (PNC) meeting to be held in Ramallah.

Member of the Hamas Political Bureau Husam Badran said in a press statement that the conditions under which the meeting will be convened will not enable the PNC to conduct a comprehensive and reasonable review on the Palestinian situation.

Badran added that his Movement had conducted a series of meetings and consultations with many Palestinian parties on whether to take part in the PNC meeting and reached a decision not to participate.

The Hamas official explained that the PNC speaker Salim al-Za’noun’s invitation to attend the Ramallah meeting was highly appreciated by Hamas; however following a thorough study of the invitation Hamas set a number of conditions that would boost the unified national action but none of those conditions were met.

The conditions stipulated that the PNC meeting should be held abroad so that all Palestinian factions could participate and the Council could make its decisions away from any Israeli pressure and that the PNC meeting would be preceded by a meeting of the unified leadership framework in order to prepare for the issues to be discussed with the participation of all factions.

Badran stressed that the PNC will be convened under conditions that will not enable it to study the situation properly and thus the resulting decisions may not meet the aspirations and sacrifices of the Palestinian people and the requirements of current stage of conflict.

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