Sat 21-September-2024

Hamas ready to block anticipated Israeli aggression on Gaza

Monday 15-January-2007

GAZA (PIC)– Hamas Movement has affirmed that its armed wing the Qassam Brigades was ready to repel any military aggression the IOF might think to unleash against the tiny Gaza Strip.

Furthermore the Movement attributed persistent talks circulated in Israel suggesting a possible full-scale IOF military invasion of the Strip to the current political crisis in the Israeli community.

Earlier Israeli sources quoted high-ranking Israeli security official as saying that the IOF troops were gearing up for a “big” military operation against Palestinian armed factions in the Gaza Strip.

“Hamas is ready to block any kind of aggression Israel might launch against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip as it did before many times” affirmed Hammad Al-Rukob spokesman of Hamas in Khan Younis city south of Gaza Strip.

Rukob moreover called on the Palestinian factions to consolidate their ranks and end internal tension in the Palestinian arena and to gear up for confronting any IOF atrocities against the Strip.

Rightist Israeli minister of strategic affairs Avigdor Lieberman told US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice about Israel’s intention to carry out a full-scale military invasion of the Gaza Strip; but Rice refused to comment on Lieberman’s revelation.

In a related matter the Qassam Brigades fulfilled a pledge it earlier made as it displayed photos of an Israeli drone seized by the Brigades’ fighters last Thursday north of Gaza Strip displaying an unprecedented progress in the armed wing’s technological capabilities in what became to be known as “war of the brains”.

In a military communiqué it issued and a copy of which was obtained by the PIC the armed wing affirmed that controlling the reconnaissance plane serves as a clear message to the “Zionist enemy” affirming that the Qassam has more surprises to come soon.

The Quds Brigades armed wing of the Islamic Jihad voiced similar readiness to rebuff any IOF invasion of the Strip warning that Israeli settlements in the Israeli depth including Sderot and Majdal and other colonies will be the target of the Palestinian upgraded home-made missiles.

“All our military units are ready to retaliate to any IOF aggression in the West Bank and Gaza Strip” said a statement issued by the Brigades.

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