Wed 3-July-2024

Hamas slams Arab League for rejecting anti-normalization bid

Thursday 10-September-2020

The Hamas Movement has strongly denounced the Arab League for dropping a Palestinian draft resolution condemning the United Arab Emirates’ normalization deal with Israel describing such position as “official Arab legislation for normalization.”

In a press release Hamas said that such position reflected that the Arab League abandoned its role and duty towards Palestine and the Palestinian cause and involved in justifying the normalization of ties with the Israeli occupation state.

The Movement slammed the Arab League for ignoring the ongoing Israeli violations and crimes against the Palestinian people and their land and providing a cover-up for normalization deals.

“The Arab League’s rejection of the Palestinian resolution due to its weakness only reflects that there is insistence on perpetuating the occupation through covering and supporting the Emirati rulers” Hamas said accusing the Arab League of giving up the position it had taken at the Beirut summit which called for restoring the Palestinian rights first before normalization.

The Movement underlined that the Arab League torpedoed its raison d’être which was based on defending Arab issues against external dangers especially the occupation of Palestine.

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