Tue 17-September-2024

Haneyya: Palestinians will prove their ability to face the challenges

Wednesday 9-September-2020

Head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haneyya has affirmed that his Movement is embarking on a national plan based on three important trajectories to face the challenges.

These trajectories he said are “strengthening the popular resistance activating the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and ending the national division between Gaza and the West Bank.”

“We have given the formed committees five weeks to study the three points we already mentioned” Haneyya noted alluding to the decision taken in this regard during the meeting that was held simultaneously in Beirut and Ramallah last Thursday by the secretaries-general of the Palestinian factions.

“The leaders [of the factions] are required to shoulder their historic responsibilities before the [Palestinian] people and the nation” he emphasized.

“We have challenges ahead on top of which is the Israeli occupation which does not want the Palestinians to close ranks not to mention that the Americans want to liquidate the Palestinian cause” the Hamas political leader said.

“We will be facing these challenges with a unified Palestinian front and with the support of everyone who loves our cause and we will prove that we are able to come together” he added.

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