Fri 20-September-2024

Haneyya appeals for an end to infighting

Saturday 13-January-2007

GAZA (PIC)– Ismail Haneyya the PA premier on Saturday tabled an initiative to end tensions and feudal fighting among the Palestinians and to attend to unity talks aimed at formation of a national unity government.

Haneyya in a televised address urged an immediate halt to all forms of infighting stressing that bullets should never be directed at Palestinians but rather at the Israeli occupation.

He called for an end to all provocative media campaigns explaining that media efforts should rather focus on cooling tensions and cementing gaps.

The premier advocated respect for all Palestinians and their leaders and a return to dialogue in a bid to form a national unity government based on the document of concord.

Such a government should protect national unity and constants and should reflect the Palestinian people’s pains and aspirations Haneyya underlined adding that a Palestinian civil war must be avoided at all costs so as to deny the Israeli occupation its long-awaited dream.

The premier stressed that his government would exert all efforts possible in order to break the siege imposed on the Palestinian people and to alleviate their sufferings. He addressed an urgent appeal in this regard to Amre Mousa the Arab League secretary genera asking him to reactivate the Arab foreign ministers’ decision to break that siege the soonest.

For his part Dr. Salah Al-Bardawil the spokesman of the Hamas-affiliated change and reform parliamentary bloc was quick to announce that Hamas would immediately respond to Haneyya’s call and would refrain from counter statements on the media.

Bardawil in a statement hoped that all Palestinian forces would positively respond to the premier’s appeal in a bid to calm down the atmosphere and to prepare for resumption of national dialogue.

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