Wed 3-July-2024

Haneyya calls for joint strategy to face growing Zionist threat

Friday 22-May-2020

Head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haneyya has called for a joint strategy that is based on all forms of resistance to confront the growing Zionist threat in the region.

Haneyya said in a televised speech marking International Quds Day “Today as we are facing this [Zionist] danger we the Muslim nation urgently need a joint strategy and comprehensive plan.”

He stressed that resistance with all its forms should be the core of this strategy especially armed resistance.

Hamas’s leader saluted all Muslim nations that support the Palestinian resistance with special thanks to Iran which “spared no effort to support the Palestinian resistance in every possible way particularly at the military and financial levels” and which initiated the annual event of the International Quds Day.

Haneyya spoke about the US-Israeli conspiracies that have been targeting Jerusalem the latest of which is the “Deal of the Century” which recognizes Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel and aims to gradually liquidate the Palestinian cause.

He pointed out that Jerusalem has been under siege since 1948 (Nakba) when over 85% of the city was occupied.

Haneyya warned that al-Aqsa Mosque is one of the main targets of the ongoing threats and conspiracies adding that Israel is trying by all means to change the status quo at al-Aqsa Mosque alter its Islamic identity and limit the Palestinians’ access to the site.

On the Israeli government’s recently-announced plan to annex the Jordan Valley and West Bank settlements Haneyya said “We are facing a huge and serious challenge.”

“However” he stressed “The Palestinians will fight by all possible means and in every possible way to defend Jerusalem and al-Aqsa Mosque.”

“Not only Jerusalem. The entire land of Palestine will soon be free” Haneyya vowed.

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