Sat 6-July-2024

Hayya condemns Arab attempts to normalize relations with Israel

Saturday 5-November-2016

Member of Hamas’s political bureau Khalil al-Hayya has warned that some Arab attempts to normalize relations with the Israeli occupation state will encourage it to commit more violations and crimes against the Palestinian people.

Delivering a Friday khutba (sermon) at a local Mosque in Gaza Hayya strongly denounced some Arab leaders and officials for seeking to establish relations with Israel saying that such a step would help the Zionists to infiltrate the Arab societies.

He also slammed Arab regimes for opening their capitals’ doors before Israeli officials and citizens while closing them before Arabs urging them to redirect their compasses towards the Palestinian cause.

“We wonder how an entity destroying the [Palestinian] land and defiling the holy sites can be a country that others can coexist and cooperate with” he underscored.

He reiterated his Movement’s adherence to the path of struggle and resistance against the occupation expressing confidence that the Palestinian people’s victory over their enemy is “inevitable.”

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