Fri 20-September-2024

Health of prisoner Mu’tasim Raddad worsens

Wednesday 19-June-2019

Palestinian prisoner Mu’tasim Raddad a 37-year-old from Seida town in Tulkarem suffers from worsening health problems in Ramla jail as a result of his exposure to deliberate medical neglect according to Muhjat al-Quds Foundation.

According to a statement released by Muhjat al-Quds Raddad suffers from intestinal cancer and inflammation and low and irregular blood levels due to permanent intestinal bleeding.

The immune system of the prisoner is also very week and he suffers from constant pains throughout his body as well as osteoporosis and rib fractures.

His suffering from ongoing pains also make Raddad unable to sleep at night or during the day while the medication he takes is useless.

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