Tue 4-February-2025

Historical House in Nablus Turned Into Cultural Center

Saturday 10-December-2016

The building of Awtar Cultural Center which dates back to the Roman Era in Palestine some 1400 years ago resisted both political and environmental changes. The Center was established eight years ago. It aims at strengthening and promoting Palestinian identity through culture and arts and by being used for this purpose the house has survived being turned into ruins or negligence.

The center located in Rafidyia neighborhood in Nabuls is considered one of the city’s main symbols of civilization and heritage which decorates the city and reflects its bright history and is considered one of the new places in the city that reflects its cultural and scientific development.

1400 Years
The house which hosts the cultural center dates back to the Roman Era some 1400 years ago according to the Director of Awtar Center Salam Qaoud.

The old house is surrounded by an open-space and windows and stairs that lead to domes and semi-domes which reflect the concepts of civilization and simplicity of life at the time in addition to walls made from sandy bricks and floors made from Roman Mosaic.

The PIC spoke to Qauod and he had the following to say “The cultural center was established in 2009 and it was based in a small office before moving to the current old house and it aims at promoting the Palestinian cultural identity and to bring the Palestinian cultural identity back to the international stage. It also aims at saving Nablus from marginalization in order to play its pioneering role in the Palestinian cultural life.

In 2014 the cultural center was moved to the Roman-era-dated-house after renovating the semi-ruined house by the Tawoun (Cooperation) Center and re-opening it in a bid to strengthen the cultural identity of the city as planned by the directors of the center.

He added that the house was used for worship in the past then it was renovated and new parts were added to it during the Ottoman era and was used as olive pressing facility and it was renovated again and turned into a cultural center.

Interest in Arts and Culture
Speaking about the idea of establishing the center Qaoud said it was established following an initiative by a group of young people who had an interest in music and it focused on teaching music. It later expanded to formative arts and drama and focused on children from both genders.

He noted that the center focused on education and preparing talented people. Two musical bands one of them is an Islamic songs band in addition to the Oriental Band and all members are graduates of the center.

Samah Abdilhadi a youth activist and a volunteer at the center said the center aims at promoting the Palestinian cultural identity through implementing certain projects and together these activities will boost cultural and literary activities in the city and in Palestine in general. These are ambitious plans to display the works of creative Palestinians outside Palestine for the world to know more about it.

She added in a statement to the PIC “The center is planning to carry out events and seminars both cultural and artistic to support the local community. Cultural and artistic events always take place at the center in addition to screening documentaries which highlight Arab and Palestinian issues.

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