Thu 19-September-2024

Hollande invites Netanyahu Abbas to Paris meet

Wednesday 7-December-2016

French President Francois Hollande invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to meet with Chairman of Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas in Paris in two weeks’ time French newspaper Le Figaro reported.

The meeting would take place immediately after a Paris foreign ministers’ summit on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict the paper pointed out.

The newspaper quoted an official in the PLO as affirming Abbas’s participation in the meeting.

French Ambassador to Israel Helene Le Gal spoke earlier this week with Israel’s acting National Security Adviser Jacob Nagel extending an invitation to the Paris summit. However Israel has not yet officially responded to the French invitation.

Le Figaro reported that Hollande would like to convene a meeting of foreign ministers in Paris on December 21 to deal with the stalemate in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process as part of the peace initiative France launched at the beginning of the year.

The planned summit would be a continuation of a foreign ministers’ meeting on the matter that took place in Paris in June.

According to Le Figaro the summit is set to work on developing a joint statement calling on the preservation of the two-state solution while mentioning the UN resolutions on the issue and the need to reach a solution based on the pre-1967 lines.

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