Fri 20-September-2024

IOA expands settlement in Jordan Valley arrests 100 in 3 days

Saturday 13-January-2007

TULKARM (PIC)– The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) is expanding a settlement that was built on Palestinian lands in the Jordan Valley area east of the West Bank the Israeli peace now movement said.

It said that around 50 of its members demonstrated near that settlement to protest its expansion and exchanged heated debates with settlers in it.

Israeli war minister Amir Peretz recently sanctioned the establishment of a new settlement in that same area.

Meanwhile Israeli military sources and Palestinian inhabitants reported that over 100 Palestinian West Bankers were rounded up in the past three days starting Wednesday.

An IOF spokesman said that two AMB members were arrested in Jericho on Thursday at the pretext they were involved in the killing of an Israeli settler about six years ago.

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