Fri 20-September-2024

IOF arrests prisoner’s disabled father

Wednesday 15-August-2012

NABLUS (PIC)– Tadamun Foundation for Human Rights stated that the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested several days ago a father of a prisoner held in occupation jails for nine years.

Ahmed Beitawi a researcher at the Foundation confirmed that Ghalib Mahmoud Abdullah 59 from Sorrah village to the southwest of Nablus was arrested while on his way home at an Israeli barrier at the entrance of the village.

He pointed out that Abdullah an employee in Sorah village council is with special needs and can only walk using crutches. Furthermore he suffers from both diabetes and high blood pressure.

Ghalib’s son is a prisoner in occupation jails since 2003 serving a prison sentence of 14 years under the pretext of resisting the occupation. Israeli bulldozers had demolished his family home several days after his arrest.

Abdullah who is held in Offer prison needs special medical care Beitawi affirmed adding that occupation authorities arrested several disabled detainees regardless of their special medical conditions.

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