Wed 3-July-2024

IOF attacks farmers in southern Gaza

Tuesday 27-September-2022

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked on Tuesday morning Palestinian farmers in the besieged Gaza Strip with no reported casualties.

Local sources reported that Israeli soldiers at military posts behind the border fence opened machinegun fire at farmers and their fields in the east of Abasan al-Kabira town in Khan Yunis south of Gaza.

Luckily all the farmers escaped unhurt from the targeted area.

Under an inhumane siege the Israeli army keeps attacking — sometimes injuring or killing — farmers and fishermen almost on a daily basis with no regard for any mediated ceasefire deal in Gaza or even the international law.

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IOF attacks farmers in southern Gaza

Tuesday 6-September-2022

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked on Tuesday morning Palestinian farmers in the besieged Gaza Strip with no reported casualties.

Local sources reported that Israeli soldiers at military posts behind the border fence fired machine guns and tear gas canisters at farmers and bird hunters in the east of Khuza’a town in southern Gaza.

Farmers also came under similar IOF attack in the east of Rafah and Deir al-Balah in southern Gaza.

Luckily all the farmers escaped unhurt from the targeted areas.

Under an inhumane siege the Israeli army keeps attacking — sometimes injuring or killing — farmers and fishermen almost on a daily basis with no regard for any mediated ceasefire deal in Gaza or even the international law.

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IOF attacks farmers in southern Gaza

Wednesday 3-August-2022

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked on Wednesday morning Palestinian farmers in an agricultural area in the southeast of the besieged Gaza Strip.

According to local sources the IOF fired machine guns and tear gas grenades at a group of farmers in the east of Abasan town in Khan Yunis and forced them to stop working their fields and leave the area.

Under an inhumane siege the Israeli army keeps attacking — sometimes injuring or killing — farmers and fishermen almost on a daily basis with no regard for previous ceasefire understandings over Gaza or even the international law.

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IOF attacks farmers in southern Gaza

Thursday 21-July-2022

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked on Thursday Palestinian farmers in the besieged Gaza Strip with no reported casualties.

Local sources reported that Israeli soldiers at military posts behind the border fence opened machinegun fire at farmers and their fields in the east of Khan Yunis in southern Gaza.

Luckily all the farmers escaped unhurt from the targeted area.

Under an inhumane siege the Israeli army keeps attacking — sometimes injuring or killing — farmers and fishermen almost on a daily basis with no regard for any mediated ceasefire deal in Gaza or even the international law.

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IOF attacks farmers in southern Gaza

Saturday 16-April-2022

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Saturday morning opened fire at Palestinian farmers in the east of Khan Yunis south of the besieged Gaza Strip.

Local sources said that several farmers and their swaths of land came under fire from watchtowers in the border area to the east of al-Khuza’a town in Khan Yunis.

Luckily no one was hurt but the intensity of the shooting forced farmers to stop working their lands and leave the area.

Under an inhumane siege the Israeli army keeps attacking — sometimes injuring or killing — civilians farmers and fishermen almost on a daily basis without any shred of respect for any ceasefire deal in Gaza or even the international law.

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IOF attacks farmers in southern Gaza

Tuesday 27-April-2021

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Tuesday evening opened machinegun fire at Palestinian farmers and their agricultural lands in the east of Khan Yunis south of the Gaza Strip.

According to local sources Israeli soldiers opened fire from military watchtowers towards farmers in the east of Khuza’a town in Khan Yunis and forced them to leave the area.

Shooting incidents also happened last night in some border areas in Gaza and two citizens were reportedly kidnaped by the IOF in the east of Khuza’a town.

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IOF attacks farmers in southern Gaza

Monday 22-February-2021

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Monday morning opened fire at Palestinian farmers and their lands in the east of Khan Yunis south of the besieged Gaza Strip.

According to local sources the IOF also fired stun grenades at the famers and forced them to leave the area.

No one was reportedly hurt in the shooting attack.

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