Fri 20-September-2024

IOF continues isolating 4 prisoners in bad conditions

Tuesday 8-May-2018

Detainees and Ex-detainees Committee said that Israeli occupation forces (IOF) have been isolating four Palestinian captives in Raymond Israeli jail under extremely bad detention conditions.

The four detainees are Ismail al-Arrouj Ahmad al-Mughrabi Abdullah al-Mughrabi and Ayman Etbaish. They have been held captive in solidarity confinement without simplest living needs and deprived of human rights especially health care.

In a report on Tuesday the committee said that the prison administration has been imposing sanctions against the four detainees including holding them in very tiny dungeons lacking ventilation and cleanness with many insects and rats.

The isolated prisoners have also been denied their right of taking a break during the day in jail and of having family visitation. Moreover they complain about harassment and repeated inspection operations at the hands of jailers.

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