Sun 22-September-2024

IOF demolishes two caravans threatens to demolish others in West Bank

Monday 8-February-2021

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) demolished on Monday two caravan homes in Khirbet Yarza east of Tubas.

Moataz Basharat the official in the Jordan Valley file in Tubas stated in press statements that IOF demolished residential caravans for the two brothers Rami and Hafez Musaeed.

Bisharat pointed out that the caravans were provided to the two brothers months ago from international institutions because their homes were demolished by IOF in September 2020 under the pretext of unlicensed building.

Meanwhile IOF soldiers stormed Al-Tawana village in Masafer Yatta south of al-Khalil and informed four citizens that their houses would be demolished along with a water well.

Local sources reported that IOF fired sound and gas bombs and assaulted the villagers and school students. Several of them suffered breathing problems.

On Saturday settlers of a nearby settlement attacked the shepherds and threw stones at them near the village of Tawana.

The IOF and its settlers seek through their continuous violations to tighten the grip on the residents of Yatta and al-Musafar to force them to leave their homes.

Tawana is located at the entrance to the Masafer Yatta area which is threatened with demolition south of al-Khalil.

The village has a strategic location which is at the top of al-Khalil mountain and it is surrounded by settlements from three sides.

Recently settlers established a new outpost called Givat Ma’on near the village and its settlers always attack Palestinian farmers especially during the olive and grape harvest season.

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