Mon 16-September-2024

IOF guns down Palestinian young man in al-Khalil

Friday 2-September-2022

A Palestinian young man was killed by Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Friday following an alleged stabbing attack in the West Bank city of al-Khalil.

The Palestinian ministry of health reported that IOF soldiers shot dead a Palestinian young man at the crossroad of Ainun near Saeir town in al-Khalil.

Meanwhile the Hebrew Channel Seven claimed that a Palestinian young man stabbed an Israeli soldier in his torso adding that Israeli soldiers fired live bullets at the Palestinian young man.

Israeli medical sources reported that the Israeli soldier was transferred to Hadassah hospital after sustaining moderate wounds.

In a related development clashes erupted between Palestinian youths and the IOF in Ainun near the illegal settlement of Kiryat Arba established on Palestinian-owned lands in al-Khalil following the incident.

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