Sun 15-September-2024

IOF suppresses rallies in various areas of West Bank

Friday 28-May-2021

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) quelled on Friday several Palestinian marches denouncing Jewish settlement activity in the northern occupied West Bank. Dozens of Palestinians were injured in the IOF violent quelling of the events.

Local sources reported that IOF soldiers fired live and rubber-coated bullets stun grenades and tear gas canisters at the participants in the Sabih mountain march in Beita town south of Nablus.

It added that two civilians were wounded by live bullets three with rubber-coated bullets 15 suffered breathing problems and two citizens were injured as a result of falling while being chased by the IOF soldiers.

Dozens of citizens performed Friday prayer on the top of the mountain and organized a rally condemning the establishment of an outpost there.

Similar marches were launched in Beit Dajan town east of Nablus and Kafr Qaddum east of Qalqilya. Several citizens suffered breathing difficulties according to eyewitnesses.

Every Friday Palestinians organize rallies against settlement activity and the separation wall in a number of villages and towns in the Occupied West Bank.

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