Tue 17-September-2024

IPS ends solitary confinement of female Palestinian prisoners

Thursday 23-December-2021

The Israeli Prison Service (IPS) ended on Wednesday the solitary confinement of the two female prisoners Marah Bakir and Shorouk Dwaiyat rights sources revealed.

The Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) affirmed that talks were held between the IPS and Palestinian prisoners’ representatives to put an end to the Israeli punitive measures against the female prisoners.

The prisoners’ representatives presented during the meeting their demands most notably stopping the assaults against the female prisoners ending the isolation of Shoroq Dwaiyat Marah Bakir and Mona Kaadan stopping punitive measures against prisoners in Nafha prison and releasing the hunger striker Hisham Abu Hawash.

Earlier Wednesday three Palestinian female prisoners in solitary confinement in Damon jail started an open-ended hunger strike in protest at their isolation and their exposure along with other fellow inmates to assaults a week ago.

Recently Israeli forces savagely assaulted Palestinian female detainees in Damon jail and isolated a number of them.

The violent raids on their cells in Damon happened on December 14 and 15 and led to the injury of some women.

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