Sat 14-September-2024

Int’l community condemns Israel for its crimes

Wednesday 19-December-2018

United Nations special coordinator for the Middle East peace process Nikolai Mladenov said that Israel is violating international laws by killing Palestinian people and expending its settlement plans.

No steps have been taken by Israel during the reporting period to “immediately and completely cease all settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territory including East Jerusalem” and to “fully respect all of its legal obligations in this regard” he told the Security Council.

“I reiterate that all settlement activities are a violation under international law and a major obstacle to peace.”

Israel has allowed “the eviction of some 40 family members to advance construction” he pointed out.

Since 13 September some 43 Palestinians were killed during the protests and other incidents near the fence and at sea including nine children. The youngest and most recent victim was a four-year-old who died on 11 December after he was injured by Israeli live fire during protests at the fence.

The UN official also pointed to the Israeli violent raid into the offices of the official Palestinian news agency WAFA where two Palestinians were reportedly injured by live fire.

For his part Kuwait’s deputy permanent delegate at the UN Mansour Al-Otaibi condemned “the aggressive campaign launched by the Israeli occupying army extremists and settlers against Palestinian cities villages and refugee camps particularly Ramallah.”

Al-Otaibi reiterated his country’s call on the international community mainly the UN Security Council to provide necessary protection to the defenseless Palestinian people pursuant to UNSC Resolutions 605 and 904 stipulating a halt of Israeli violations against Palestinians.

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