Fri 20-September-2024

Israel demolishes 32 Palestinian facilities during July

Monday 6-August-2018

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) demolished over the past month 32 Palestinian residential and commercial facilities throughout the occupied territories rights report revealed.

Jerusalem Center for Israeli and Palestinian Studies said in its monthly report that Israel demolished Araqib Bedouin village for the 131st time and issued two demolition orders against Khan al-Ahmar and Abu Nawar Bedouin communities.

Dozens of Palestinian facilities were threatened with demolition in July while thousands of Jewish settlement units were approved in the occupied West Bank the report underlined.

Some of the threatened facilities are located within the Green Line the center added.

Israel’s demolition policy has escalated by 40% in July in comparison with June Jerusalem Center’s director Imad Abu Awad noticed.

Abu Awad warned that the international silence towards Israel’s growing settlement projects in the occupied territories was encouraging Israel to intensify its settlement plans.

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