Fri 20-September-2024

Israel is Judaizing Khan Al-Amdan

Friday 8-February-2019

More than 200 years ago Ahmed Pasha Al-Jazzar built Khan Al-Amdan in Acre Palestine as one of the most important commercial architectural buildings which turned into the center of international trade at the time. Years passed and the Israeli authorities started Judaizing the building turning it into a hotel.

The people of Acre attempted to confront these attempts on the ground and at the courts following the success of the Israeli Nakash Brothers Company in obtaining the tender for renting Khan Al-Amdan in the Old City of Acre in 1948 occupied Palestine.

Judaizing the place
The Israeli Nakash Brothers Company is working on Judaizing the place and converting its floors into a hotel for tourists with 50 rooms which constitutes a real threat to the Arab and Islamic monuments. It also contains the Clock Tower built by the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II in 1906.

The Palestinian historian Ghassan Washah told the Palestinian Information Center that Khan Al-Amdan and its archaeological area constitute “a major challenge to the occupation that is trying to destroy Arab and Islamic landmarks.” He pointed out that the population in the vicinity of the Khan is about 5000 Palestinians.

“The Israeli security military and civilian authorities are seeking to change the Palestinian archaeological landmarks” he said pointing to previous attempts to control the Khan and its maritime ports by changing its name to the port of Zeev instead of Issa al-Awam a Muslim Arab who fought the Crusaders along with leader Saladin.

The professor of history noted that the Israeli attempts failed during the past years calling for confronting the Israeli policy of changing the Arab demography in the coastal city of Acre and the displacement of its population.

Lack of role by Arab businessmen
He pointed to the lack of any role by Arab businessmen in entering these tenders to protect the monuments and prevent Israeli companies seeking to Judaize Arab monuments stressing the failure of the Palestinian Authority to defend these monuments.

He called for the activation of media coverage to confront Judaizing Khan Al-Amdan pointing out that it is a crime that contradicts the principles of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). He also called for activating the case legally at international forums and the need to include it in the world protected archaeological sites list.

Strengthening the Israeli grip
Mohammed Salem working at the Muslim religious authority of Acre said: “The Israeli authority has been implementing plans to strengthen its hold on Palestine through the displacement of its indigenous people the Palestinian people.” He added that “The plot to sell Khan Al-Amdan is a conspiracy against the Arab and Islamic identity of Acre and is part of a plan to remove the Arab population from the city in preparation for its complete Judaization.”

He tweeted that “Efforts must be made in cooperation with the political and community notables in Acre to save Khan Al-Amdan and to mobilize all local and international bodies to support these efforts to protect this historic landmark and free it from government and municipal companies with political and commercial agendas.”

Abbas Zakkour an adviser to the mayor of Acre has warned of the escalation of the process of Judaization and the implementation of Israeli policies in the city of Acre and the historical complex of Khan Al-Amdan.

Zakkour said in an interview with the Palestinian Information Center: “The work of the Nakash Brother Company will lead to the implementation of Israeli policies such as preventing or restricting the Muslim call for prayer as well as selling Arab homes in the old city of Acre.”

The Palestinian citizens of today’s Israel are fighting a new battle against the Israeli authorities entitled Old Acre under the slogan #Acreisnotforsale; to face the Israeli plan to obliterate and Judaize Khan Al-Amdan historical building.

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