Thu 19-September-2024

Israeli forces assault Palestinian women punish them in Damon jail

Monday 20-December-2021

Israeli forces have savagely assaulted Palestinian female detainees in Damon jail and isolated a number of them according to an informed source.

One of the detained women said that she fainted after soldiers severely beat her and removed headscarves of her fellow prisoners as they were violently assaulting them and grabbing their necks and hair.

The Damon administration also took several punitive measures against the prisoners including depriving them of taking shower for three days cutting off electricity to the section where they are held confiscating electrical appliances from their cells and transferring them from their cells.

The jailers also transferred five women to solitary confinement before taking two of them back to their section in Damon jail and keeping three of them isolated in other prisons.

Three of these prisoners are reportedly transferred to isolation cells in the prisons of Gilboa and Jalamah. They are Mona Qaadan Marah Bakir and Shurouq Duwaikat.

The violent raids on their cells in Damon happened on December 14 and 15 and led to the injury of some women.

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