Sun 30-June-2024

Israeli jailers storm section two in Megiddo prison

Monday 29-August-2022

Israeli jailers on Monday stormed two rooms in section (2) in Megiddo prison Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) reported.

A state of tension prevailed in the prison following the jailers’ raid the PPS added.

“This raid comes as part of the escalating repressive measures practiced by the Israeli prison administration against Palestinian prisoners” the PPS said in a press statement stressing that Palestinian prisoners are preparing to start their open-ended hunger strike in protest at the repeated Israeli violations.

The Society called on the Palestinian masses to organize pro-prisoners vigils in front of international organizations in support of the Palestinian administrative detainees.

Thousands of Palestinian prisoners are taking part in a series of protests designed to highlight their ill-treatment including staging a mass hunger strike that is set to start on Thursday.

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