Sun 22-September-2024

Israeli municipality displaces Palestinian family in J’lem

Tuesday 10-December-2019

The Israeli municipality in Occupied Jerusalem on Monday displaced a Palestinian family in Jabel Mukaber neighborhood southeast of the holy city after forcing them to dismantle their wooden house at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Homeowner Ali Ja’abees explained that he and his six-member family was living in a small home composed of one room and made of wooden material adding that he had to remove the furniture and dismantle the room in order to avoid paying financial penalties.

He also said that employees from the municipality had come to his home two days ago and gave him three days to remove it or else he would incur demolition expenses.

The local residents already submitted a construction plan for their area in order to obtain permits but the municipality ignored it and embarked on carrying out a demolition campaign.

Since the beginning of the current year the Israeli occupation authority had demolished over 160 homes in Jerusalem according to human rights groups.

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