Fri 20-September-2024

Israeli police continue to allow settlers to defile Aqsa Mosque

Monday 11-January-2021

The Israeli occupation police on Monday morning continued to allow Jewish settlers to desecrate the Aqsa Mosque despite the coronavirus lockdown on Jerusalem.

According to local sources a group of extremist settlers led by a rabbi entered the Mosque through al-Maghariba Gate toured its courtyards and performed Jewish prayers.

At the pretext of preventing the spread of coronavirus the Israeli police recently imposed a tight lockdown on the holy city and announced a number of movement restrictions on the Palestinian local residents such as “traveling more than 1000 meters from home except in special circumstances is forbidden.”

However the Israeli police have facilitated the entry of many settlers to the Aqsa Mosque since the first day of the lockdown.

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Israeli police continue to allow settlers to defile Aqsa Mosque

Thursday 4-June-2020

Dozens of Jewish settlers on Thursday morning broke into theAqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem and desecrated its courtyards under tightpolice protection.

According to local sources 92 settlers escorted by policeforces entered the Mosque through al-Maghariba Gate and toured the Mosquecourtyards.

Recently Jewish settlers resumed their daily provocativebreak-ins at the Aqsa Mosque after the Islamic Awqaf authority in Jerusalemreopened it last Sunday May 31 for Muslim prayers for the first time sinceits closure in mid-March as a measure to contain the spread of coronavirus.

The Aqsa Mosque is exposed to daily desecration by Jewishsettlers and police forces in the morning and the afternoon except on Fridaysand Saturdays.

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