Fri 20-September-2024

Israeli police release two kids other citizens conditionally

Saturday 12-June-2021

The Israeli occupation police on Saturday released two Jerusalemite kids after deciding to place them under house arrest and ban their presence in the Old City of Jerusalem for several days.

According to the Wadi Hilweh Information Center the police released Mohamed Anwar and Adam Samer from the family of al-Abbasi on condition of not leaving home for five days and staying away from the Old City for 15 days and paying bail of 300 shekels.

The two kids were taken prisoners on Friday afternoon after they left the Aqsa Mosque.

In another incident the Israeli police on Friday evening released a young man called Khaled Abu Mayyala on condition of not entering the Aqsa Mosque for 30 days. He was arrested on the same day during his presence in al-Asbat area near the Mosque.

Another Jerusalemite citizen called Iyad Abu Sobeih a resident of Silwan district was released after he signed a bail bond. He was arrested last Thursday from Bab al-Amud area near the Aqsa Mosque.

Last year the Israeli occupation authority displaced the family of Abu Sobeih after demolishing his house in Silwan district at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

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