Sat 5-October-2024

Israeli proposal for formation of fund propagating Jewish ties to Aqsa

Monday 13-March-2017

The Israeli Minister of Culture Miri Regev and Minister of Jerusalem Affairs and Environment Protection Ze’ev Elkin pushed for the establishment of a so-called “Temple Mount Legacy Fund” to prop up Jews’ alleged ties to holy al-Aqsa Mosque.

The bid advanced by Regev and Elkin calls for allocating a budget of two million shekels per annum so as to promote a media campaign on Jews’ alleged ties to al-Aqsa Mosque—the third holiest site in Islam.

The bid will be brought into a government debate sometime soon in response to a UNESCO resolution issued last October denying Jewish ties to al-Aqsa place of worship.

The Israeli ministers claimed the projected fund aims to spread awareness about the history of the Temple Mount via printed and online multi-lingual circulars and social media network activities.

On Sunday Regev and Elkin said the fund is the right response to the UNESCO resolution.

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