Fri 20-September-2024

Israeli violent acts in Issawiya escalate despite coronavirus spread

Friday 10-April-2020

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) has intensified its aggressive and racist practices against the residents of Issawiya district in east Jerusalem despite the spread of coronavirus.

The follow-up committee in Issawiya said the Israeli persistent violations in Issawiya are aimed at implementing its plan to isolate the district from other Jerusalemite towns and neighborhoods.

Member of the committee Mohamed Abul-Hems said that the occupation police forces persist in raiding homes arresting citizens and repressing and persecuting them pointing out that the police intensified recently their attacks on local young men and children and imposed heavy financial penalties on them.

Abul-Hems added that the ferocity of the police attack on Issawiya heightened in recent times with the aim of imposing a new fait accompli in Jerusalem through displacing its native residents and punishing them.

He accused the Israeli occupation state of trying to promote false accounts about what happens in Issawiya and east Jerusalem’s villages and towns expressing his confidence that such attempts would be doomed to failure because of the local residents’ steadfastness in the face of Israel’s arrogance and brutality.

Israeli police forces for long months have been detaining hundreds of residents including minors issuing traffic tickets for spurious infractions serving house demolition orders blocking roads and committing different acts of provocation and violence.

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